
    MIIT announced the second list of qualified steel companies.

    Number of clicks:42752018-09-30 09:42:58

    On 9th December, MIIT announced the second list of qualified steel companies. They were 115 companies on the list, and with the 45 companies on the first list, there were 160 in total companies nominated. There were 33 companies were on the second list in Hebei Province, and in Handan City, including Handan Iron&steel, Xinxing company, Puyang steel, Xinjin steel, Wenfeng Steel, Yuhua Steel were nominated.
No.9, Juliang Ave, Cheng'an Industrial Zone, Handan, Hebei
Qian'an Zhengda: North of Shuangma Road, Zhaodianzi Town, Qian'an, Tangshan, Hebei Province
Shanxi Zhengda: Houbei Industrial Park, Houma City, Shanxi Province


ADD:No. 9 Juliang Avenue, Chengan Industrial Zone, Handan City, Hebei Province
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